Electric Cars: Are They All They're Cracked Up to Be?

Looking to buy a new electric car? The pros and cons of electric cars can help you make the decision!

Electric cars are powered by batteries that are charged by external electricity sources. You can get all-electric or hybrid cars that use both combustion and electric engine technology.

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Pros of Electric Cars

Electric cars have become all the rage because they come with plenty of benefits. Check out some here.

Reduces the Carbon Impact

Electric automobiles are far more eco-friendly than traditional automobiles because they don't release greenhouse gases like CO2. Using renewable energy sources, like solar power at home, to charge your electric car can further reduce its environmental impact!

The EPA has found that a typical standard gas-powered passenger car with a 22-mile-per-gallon range generates 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually.

Reduces The Expense of Maintenance

Oil changes are a thing of the past when you drive electric cars! The amount of routine maintenance needed for EVs is less than that of automobiles with internal combustion engines. Additionally, since electric cars have fewer moving parts, parts will not break as frequently.


Buying an EV might make you eligible for a variety of EV incentives. The federal EV tax credit is one of the largest; it can lower your tax obligation by up to $7,500!

States also provide their own incentives for electric vehicles. For instance, if you buy a qualified car, you may receive up to $5,000 from New Jersey's EV incentive. Additionally, Rhode Island offers EV buyers a $2,500 refund through its DRIVE EV program.

Excellent Performance

Electric vehicles are renowned for their quiet and smooth operation as they lack an exhaust system. Compared to conventional gas engines, electric crossovers and SUV models are significantly quieter, which results in less noise pollution and a more comfortable ride. In addition, electric motors respond far more quickly than mechanical engines, giving drivers more torque and maneuverability.

In addition, electric vehicles often consume less energy and run more effectively in city traffic.

Fuel Economy Savings

Since fuel costs far more in the United States than electricity, EVs are an affordable option for customers.

Compared to gas-powered engines, which typically cost 15 cents per mile, an electric automobile only costs 5 cents per mile to operate. Considering regenerative braking and constantly advancing battery technology, switching to a green vehicle might result in annual fuel savings of up to 60%.

Silent Function

Since they are so quiet, electric cars help to improve driving conditions and lessen noise pollution. An electric vehicle can be the best option for those who want a peaceful ride.

Cons of Electric Cars

Of course, with so many pros, you might be thinking, why doesn’t everyone convert to electric cars? Well, there are some cons of electric cars that some just cannot overlook!

Low Expectancy of Battery Life

The U.S. Department of Energy states that an electric vehicle's battery pack should last 10 to 12 years. Nevertheless, battery packs can survive longer than expected. Nevertheless, replacing a dead battery pack might be fairly expensive.

Replacing a new battery pack can cost hundreds or even tens of thousands of dollars. When more battery-electric vehicles are operated, these prices will probably decrease. Similarly, customers might save a little cash by buying an EV's reconditioned battery pack.

Charging Problems

It can be challenging to locate an available charger, much alone a functional one, in public spaces due to America's still-weak EV charging infrastructure. Positively, using an at-home charger is the most economical and effective way to charge an EV.

In particular, when connected to a 240-volt Level 2 charger, it should ensure that the electric car gets a full charge overnight. The range that was increased overnight should be more than sufficient to meet your everyday driving demands, depending on the particular EV that you possess.

High Initial Cost

Electric vehicles usually have a greater initial cost than gas-powered automobiles, which may make them prohibitively pricey for certain users. That being said, technological advances, falling fuel prices, and the availability of more government tax incentives are lowering the hurdles to entry for electric car ownership.

Restricted Range of Driving

Comparing electric automobiles to conventional gasoline-powered vehicles, many have a shorter driving range. Even while most automobiles can now go 100–300 miles on a single charge thanks to advancements in battery technology, lengthier road journeys can necessitate frequent stops for recharging.

Extended Recharge Periods

Refueling a gasoline-powered automobile requires less time than charging an electric car. For longer travels, the lack of fast-charging infrastructure might result in lengthier travel times, even while overnight at-home charging is handy for daily commuting.

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Reliance On Fossil Fuels to Generate Electricity

EVs emit less carbon dioxide than conventional cars, but how they are charged and maintained will determine how much of an influence they have on the environment.

There is a regrettable contradiction in that several jurisdictions primarily rely on fossil fuels, such as natural gas, coal, or oil, to produce power.

Even if EVs run on unsustainable grid energy, they nonetheless release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. EVs will never be completely sustainable unless this problem is resolved by the use of renewable energy sources like solar electricity.


The pros and cons of electric cars can help you make the decision. While electricity generation still relies on fossil fuels, the overall carbon footprint is definitely reduced. So, assess the cons of electric cars carefully to see if they are still a suitable option for you.