Types of Solar Tubes: Exploring Options for Natural Lighting Solutions

As the world gravitates towards sustainable and energy-efficient solutions, natural lighting has become a focal point in home and office design. Solar tubes, also known as tubular skylights, light tubes, or sun tunnels, have emerged as a popular method to introduce natural light into interior spaces.

With that in mind, let's discuss the various types of solar tubes, their benefits, applications, and the different solar tube sizes available to meet diverse lighting needs. So, without further ado, let's begin!

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Understanding Solar Tubes

Before exploring the types of solar tubes, it's essential to understand what they are and how they function. Solar tubes are cylindrical devices that capture sunlight on the roof and channel it through a highly reflective tube into the interior of a building.

The captured light is then diffused through a lens, illuminating the room with natural sunlight. This technology efficiently brightens spaces without relying on electricity, making it an eco-friendly alternative to traditional lighting.

Types of Solar Tubes

Several types of solar tubes are available, each designed to cater to different requirements and preferences. Here, we explore the primary types of solar tubes to help you determine which option best suits your needs.

1. Rigid Solar Tubes

Rigid solar tubes are characterized by their solid, inflexible design. They are typically made of aluminum or highly reflective materials that ensure maximum light transmission. Rigid tubes are known for their efficiency and durability, making them popular for many homeowners and businesses.


High Efficiency: Rigid tubes offer superior light transmission due to their smooth, reflective surface.
Durability: These tubes are robust and can withstand various weather conditions, ensuring a longer lifespan.
Minimal Light Loss: The rigid structure minimizes bends and turns, reducing light loss and maximizing illumination.

Installation Complexity: Installing rigid tubes can be more challenging, especially in spaces with obstructions or complex roof designs.

2. Flexible Solar Tubes

Flexible solar tubes are designed with a bendable, reflective material that allows them to navigate around obstacles. This flexibility makes them ideal for installations where a straight path is impossible.


Versatility: Flexible tubes can be maneuvered around attic obstructions, making them suitable for various architectural designs.
Ease of Installation: These tubes are generally easier to install compared to rigid tubes, especially in older buildings or those with unconventional layouts.


Reduced Efficiency: Flexible tubes may experience more light loss due to their corrugated surface and bends, resulting in slightly lower efficiency than rigid tubes.

3. Roof-Mounted Solar Tubes

Roof-mounted solar tubes are installed directly on the roof and are designed to capture maximum sunlight. They are ideal for spaces with direct roof access and minimal obstructions.


Maximum Sunlight Capture: These tubes can capture optimal sunlight by being directly mounted on the roof.
Aesthetic Appeal: They blend seamlessly with the roof, maintaining the exterior aesthetics of the building.


Limited Application: Roof-mounted solar tubes may not be suitable for buildings with multiple stories or complex roof structures.

4. Wall-Mounted Solar Tubes

Wall-mounted solar tubes are an innovative solution for spaces where roof installation is not feasible. These tubes are installed on exterior walls and channel light horizontally into the building.


Versatile Installation: Suitable for buildings where roof installation is challenging or impossible.
Unique Lighting Solution: Provides natural light to spaces that might otherwise rely on artificial lighting.


Light Transmission: Horizontal installation might result in less efficient light transmission compared to vertical roof-mounted tubes.

Solar Tube Sizes

Choosing the right solar tube size is crucial for achieving the desired lighting effect. Solar tube sizes vary, and the appropriate size depends on the space you wish to illuminate and the intensity of light required.

1. Small Solar Tubes

Small solar tubes typically have diameters between 10 and 14 inches. They are suitable for smaller spaces such as bathrooms, closets, or hallways.


Compact Design: Ideal for tight spaces or areas with limited roof space.
Cost-Effective: Smaller tubes are generally less expensive and easier to install.


Limited Light Output: May not provide sufficient illumination for larger rooms or areas.

2. Medium Solar Tubes

Medium solar tubes usually range from 14 to 18 inches in diameter. These tubes are versatile and can be used in various settings, including kitchens, living rooms, and small offices.


Balanced Light Output: Offers a good balance between light output and installation complexity.
Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of applications.


Moderate Cost: Medium-sized tubes may be more expensive than smaller ones but still offer good value.

3. Large Solar Tubes

Large solar tubes have diameters exceeding 18 inches and are designed for spacious areas such as open-plan living spaces, large offices, or commercial buildings.


Maximum Illumination: Provides ample natural light for large spaces.
Energy Savings: Reduces the need for artificial lighting, leading to significant energy savings.


Higher Cost: Larger tubes are more expensive and may require more complex installation.

Benefits of Solar Tubes

Regardless of the type or size, solar tubes offer numerous benefits that make them attractive for natural lighting solutions.

1. Energy Efficiency

Solar tubes significantly reduce the need for artificial lighting, leading to lower energy consumption and utility bills. By harnessing natural sunlight, these tubes contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly living environment.

2. Enhanced Well-Being

Natural light has been proven to improve mood, productivity, and overall well-being. Installing solar tubes in your home or office can create a more pleasant and healthier indoor environment.

3. Cost Savings

While the initial installation cost of solar tubes might be higher than traditional lighting, the long-term savings on electricity bills make them a cost-effective investment. Additionally, some regions offer tax incentives or rebates for installing energy-efficient lighting solutions.

4. Increased Property Value

Homes and buildings equipped with natural lighting solutions are often more attractive to buyers. Solar tubes can enhance the aesthetic appeal and market value of your property.

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Considerations for Installing Solar Tubes

Before installing solar tubes, consider the following factors to ensure you make an informed decision:

1. Roof Structure

The type of roof structure and the presence of obstructions can impact the installation process. Rigid solar tubes are best suited for straightforward installations, while flexible tubes offer more versatility for complex roof designs.

2. Building Regulations

Check local building codes and regulations to ensure your solar tube installation complies with all necessary requirements. Some areas may have specific guidelines for skylight installations.

3. Professional Installation

While DIY solar tube kits are available, professional installation ensures optimal performance and longevity. Hiring a qualified installer can help you avoid potential issues and achieve the best results.

4. Light Diffusion

Consider the type of diffuser used with the solar tube. Diffusers help distribute light evenly throughout the room, reducing glare and creating a pleasant lighting effect.

Wrapping Up

Solar tubes are an innovative, eco-friendly solution for introducing natural light into your home or office. Understanding the different types of solar tubes, from rigid and flexible to roof-mounted and wall-mounted options, allows you to choose the best fit for your needs.

Additionally, selecting the correct solar tube sizes ensures you achieve the desired lighting effect for various spaces. So, whether you opt for small, medium, or large solar tubes, the benefits of natural lighting, energy efficiency, and enhanced well-being make solar tubes a worthwhile investment.